These Silent Secrets

Episode 34: What if It Kills Me?

March 7th, 2023

The Soup Group, now freshly equipped, speed back to town. Isla feels a powerful draw to the sea, Kanan and Jason's place on the Volleyball team is at risk, and Avery grapples with the less-than-friendly voice in her head.

Cast Credits:
MC: Zachary Tuttle-Robb (@thatguyzackrobb)
Nicole Tuttle-Robb (@nicolevoice)
Mariah Clawson (@_MariahClawson)
Freddie Powers (@Freddie_PowPow)
Marcus Rosenberg (@MarcusRVO)

Be sure to stick around until the end for a trailer from our friends at Monster Hour, and check them out @MonsterHourPod on twitter!

Special Thanks to...
Chase Greenlee (@TQLoudly) and Ghostlight Media
Nicole Tuttle-Robb

We are happy to announce TRANSCRIPTS! (Episodes 1-8 now available)

Music credits

Tune Tank
Alexander Nakarada
Scott Buckley
Justin Allan
FSCM Productions
Alex Productions
Free Stock Music Archives